So happy to report that I’m stepping into a NEW YEAR with Lots of FOCUS and plans for tons of SALES!!  How is this possible you ask??  I’ve just joined the Focused Sales family!  It was official on Monday, December 3rd as I did a Powerpoint Presentation on a WebX Conference call to all their reps (33 and growing) across the West and some in the Midwest.  Check out their site at

As serendipity would have it I met Dale Manson, of Focused Sales, last June at the Dallas Gift Show.  It was a slow day on the show floor and I had spent some time writing in my journal “asking” for representation in the Atlanta and Dallas market areas.  I noticed the Focused Sales booth as I had walked by and thought they looked like a rep group.  Leaving that evening at 6pm, I was waiting at the bank of elevators along with quite a few guys all wearing Focused Sales badges.  I asked if they were a rep group and who I might talk to in order to introduce my line.  Dale answered that would be him but he was on a plane the next morning.  He handed me his business card and suggested I email him.  I was so excited when checking out their website.  It was the perfect group for me, I thought, with representation in so many locations plus a unique philosophy in going to market.  It took quite a few conversations but after a period of months, Dale decided I might be a fit for their organization and so began the “how to implement” conversations.

Spurred on by knowing I would need to ship out “rep boxes” filled with a complete deck of cards plus catalogs and samples of other product, I sped up the production for new cards and catalog.  I haven’t written in here much as I’ve been so busy getting all this together.  Thanks to Sarah, graphic designer extraordinaire, we spent a very busy end of September through mid November working on 28 new card designs + designing a larger format (8.5×11) catalog!  John, my angel of a printer, started printing new cards as we designed them and by mid November all was done but the need to collate and box everything up.  Thanks to Sandra, the Queen who pulls my orders and organizes things at Leewood, all boxes were shipped the week after Thanksgiving (when I was in Florida!).  I’m forever grateful for this team of people!!

And speaking of Florida, Mark and I had a lovely visit/vacation.  We flew to Ft. Lauderdale on Thanksgiving day to visit with his Mom who has lived there many years.  We loved the warm breeze (not the chill of SF) and hung out at the Beach most days plus rented bikes and just plain relaxed.  We took a few days for ourselves and drove down the Keys to Key West.  Lovely!!

I can’t believe we are already one week into December!  I have NO signs of Christmas up yet and few presents purchased.  All I can think about is the inventory I need to complete to get my Quick Books accurately updated and the other reps that need product shipped out to them within the next 2 weeks.  Better to sign off and get busy sending out new catalogs!  Oh Yeah, between all of the above activity, I’ve also been talking to a few people about updating my website.  That is going to start happening soon too….soooooo much to do….and I’m happy to report that I am so happy to be “Living the Creative Life”!….

Speaking of, as a follow up to the last post…I received a very positive email this week from the Calendar publisher and it looks like I may have a NEW calendar for 2015!!  Plus had a great meeting with the publisher in Berkeley this week…Journals are nearly underway!!  So exciting to see my dreams materialize!  What we all have to look forward to as the world continues to shift with the 12.12.12 and 12.21.12 dates!  26,000 years of change wrapping up with the planetary alignment with the Sun on the Winter Solstice!  I first learned about that when taking an “Esoteric Philosophy” course in 1998 or so.  2012 seemed like so far out into the future…and here it is!

Thanks for reading all this if you made it to the end!